Social Initiatives
With a strong interest to pioneer a change in the political & social arena with a defined objective, and to inspire the next generation to embark on a path of taking on the mantle of Indian Political Leadership, the MIT School of Government (MIT-SOG) Pune, was launched in the year 2005, at a time when politics was considered a not so good career. We strongly believe that the educated youth with professional training could make an impact at the societal level by joining politics.

National Legislators’ Conference Bharat
National Legislators’ Conference Bharat (NLC Bharat) is an avenue for Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) and Members of Legislative Councils (MLCs) across the nation to gather in one place and exchange ideas in this historic conference. Hon’ble Speakers of Lok Sabha (Former) and current Speakers of Legislative Assemblies came together to build this conference, the first edition of which, took place in Mumbai from 15th to 17th June 2023.
NLC Bharat envisions a non-partisan ecosystem to promote education, training, skill development and capacity enhancement, interstate and international cooperation of legislators and legislative staff to advance effectiveness and independence of legislative bodies by fostering democratic values and practices of good governance.
Enhance the skills and capacities of legislative leaders, legislators, and legislative staff in the States and Union Territories of Bharat, to enhance their effectiveness, independence, and integrity in law-making and policy formulation....

The platform has established its credibility not only in India but across the globe with support and encouragement flowing from all over the world. Many important democratic organizations of global governance have termed BCS as an exceptional model for the entire world, But this is just the beginning
To ignite the very spirit of student politics in the youth of today and inculcate public spirited and socially sensitive values right during their formative years. We aim to raise the extent of sensitivity, awareness, involvement, responsiveness, access and say of youth in political and democratic processes so that a healthy democratic system is evolved to produce competent public leaders and policy makers, from the grassroots and from all walks of life.
To create most ethical, spirited and competent public leadership in the country, which will shape our policies, make our democracy vibrant and bridge the chasm between the way we are being governed today and the way we actually want to be governed.
As ever, we continue to believe in the power of education and morality in arousing the national consciousness. We are duty bound to provide an integrated education to the youth of India, that can produce students who will not only be intellectually equal to the best of their fellow students in other parts of the world, but will also live a noble life, love their country and be loyal and sensitive to the very community and society they represent.

To build a pool of inspired and committed teaching fraternity who will not just impart knowledge but also use the power of education for producing and nurturing the citizens who can remain faithful to the values and ideals of a modern India and the world and sensitive to the physical and moral welfare of society and humanity.
To bring dynamism, creativity and visionary outlook in the teachers by facilitating the exchange and dissemination of ideas and best practices through interaction with peers and thought leaders of all walks of life.

Women’s empowerment is a process that seeks to bridge the inequalities between men and women—strengthening women’s ability to make choices about their own lives. Investing in women and girls leads to increased productivity and performance, leading to re-investment in families, reduced hunger, improved health, strengthened economies, and more sustainable nations.
To create a platform that enables and encourages the Social, Political, Technological and Economic Upliftment of Women in different strata of the society for their greater representation and participation in decision making processes in all arenas of life.
o establish a connect between women from diverse backgrounds like politics, social sector, education on, sports, industry, media, cinema, arts & culture, judiciary and students by providing them a platform for deliberations, discussions, debates, mentoring and for evolving reciprocal and continuing engagement on all women centric issues and challenges.
The Sansad aspires to create Model Villages at every Taluka (Block) level. These Model Developed Villages would be
on the lines of decentralization of power and Rural Empowerment as proposed by Mahatma Gandhi. These villages will in turn act as Role Models for growth of other less developed villages in the vicinity..

To create an ethical platform for young educated Sarpanch from various parts of the country, which will result in
coming together of rural leadership for identifying and delivering solutions for sustainable development of villages and thus reduce the gap between India and Bharat.
To Empower Sarpanch for betterment of villages by supporting underdeveloped area of India with all stakeholders of Panchayati Raj in order to create more model villages across India.

The Bharat Asmita National Awards are meant to recognize the selfless and awe inspiring feats of leaders from the field of Management Education, Journalism & Mass Media and Politics.
With the initiation of MIT-SOG and MIT-SOM earlier, we have realized that the growth of the nation lies in inspiring the next generation of Indian leaders by recognizing their potential.
Bharat Asmita National Awards was incepted in 2005 by MAEER’s MIT Group of Institutions, Pune, in order to inspire many a generation of management gurus, people involved in mass awakening and people in the forefront of Indian Parliamentary Practices for their meaningful contribution in the process of Nation Building.
Bharat Asmita National Awards is regarded as one of the highly prestigious awards of the country and has augmented manifold in terms of reputation and stature since its inception in 2005. The board of trustees of MAEER and the Awards Selection Committee have collectively and consciously strived to maintain high standards in their humble endeavor to recognize the exemplary work people have done to add meaningful contribution towards nation building.
The conference provides a unique opportunity for open discussions and deliberation, to figure out and to recommend measures for addressing conflict resolution through Media & Journalism and for promoting culture of peace. This conference will bring together, leading media personalities, experts, policy makers, academicians, social observers, administrators, peace advocates to meet, exchange perspectives and to share best practices relating to promotion of sustainable peace and development processes.

Promotion of Peace and Harmony in the World through Truth and Ethical Journalism
Igniting the spirit of Ethical Journalism ingrained with social sensitivity
Raising the extent of awareness, involvement, responsiveness and access through open deliberations between Media Leaders, Policy Makers, Youth, Society and Industry at large
Creating energetic youths as future media leaders and as ethical journalism ambassadors

Research in the area of medicine needs disruptive reforms and the ecosystem needs to be robust for the healthcare facility to be affordable and accessible to the citizens.
It becomes inevitable for various stake holders and policy makers to come on a common platform to overhaul the medical ecosystem for the betterment of human well being and make the country truly ‘Atmanirbhar’.
To be a catalyst for fostering sustainable healthcare research and a value based medical education leading to wellbeing and world peace.
To create an effective forum which will bring together the stakeholders and policy makers to discuss the measures to overhaul the healthcare ecosystem by:
Enriching Research and medical education.
Reforms in Regulations & administration
Improving the capability and augmenting the healthcare facilities.
The path towards attainment of peace is full of hurdles and legal deliberations can act as an important platform as well as the harbinger of hope that can lead towards harmony. Law indeed is the means to attain the ultimate goal of peace. Therefore, the International Symposium has been incepted to Herald Law to Promote Peace.

To appreciate and critically analyse the role of Law in the context of Peace building processes.
To delineate the tenets of value based legal practices.
To herald law to promote peace and harmony in global society.
To propose road map by addressing challenges and opportunities in the legal field with respect to peace-building.